Friday, April 25, 2008

Like Chinese Food? (Balakirev's Islamey)

I understand that this is an 'oriental fantasy,' but I feel like it is more similar to the Chinese take-out, and here's why. I'm listening to this Islamey, which I admittedly like, but I start thinking about why I like it, and I come up with the following answers:
1. It has a simple melody which is basically not developed.
2. Development happens by changing the accompaniments.
3. It is harmonically similar to music written by the other... of the Mighty Five?

Time for a whirlwind-tour-of-the-world-style-analogy:

This piece is really just oriental enough to pass as foreign in Russia, just as Chinese food that is orderable is really only Chinese enough for Americans to say "ooh! Chinese! That's exotic... I'll have the number 2 please." I mean yeah, there's some open fifth passages and things... but... Russian. Which makes sense, but, more math for you:
RUSSIA (not equal to... they don't make a button for this) Orient.

But, I wouldn't suggest passing it up because of it's dis-Orientation... or you'll miss out on some interesting piano writing.

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